Do Osaka Residents Eat Takoyaki with Rice? Insights from Kansai Locals


Takoyaki, a beloved octopus-filled snack, is a quintessential soul food of Osaka. But do Osakans actually eat takoyaki as a side dish with rice? To unravel this culinary mystery, we reached out to a few Kansai residents for their firsthand perspectives.


Is Takoyaki a Side Dish or a Snack?

We first spoke with Sekiguchi-san, an Osaka native, to understand whether takoyaki is perceived as a side dish.


Hmm, I’d say takoyaki is more of a snack or a light meal rather than a side dish. It’s perfect as a beer snack too

According to Sekiguchi-san, takoyaki is seen more as a snack or a light meal than a side dish in Osaka.

Typical Situations for Eating Takoyaki

Next, we asked Okado-san, another Osaka local, about the typical situations in which people eat takoyaki.


Takoyaki is often associated with grabbing a quick bite from a street vendor and eating it while walking around. It’s also a staple at festival stalls. Sometimes, we make it at a friend’s house when hanging out. Some die-hard takoyaki fans even make it at home every week for dinner,

It seems that eating takoyaki from street vendors, at festivals, or making it at friends’ houses are common practices among Osakans. Some households even make it a weekly dinner staple!

Do Any Osaka Residents Eat Takoyaki with Rice?

But are there any Osakans who actually eat takoyaki as a side dish with rice? We asked Sekiguchi-san and Okado-san for their thoughts.


There might be a few, but they’re definitely a minority. Takoyaki and rice don’t really go together, do they? (laughs)


Yeah, I’ve rarely heard of anyone eating takoyaki with rice as a side dish. If someone does, it’d be considered a bit unusual,

Based on their opinions, eating takoyaki with rice is a rare practice among Osakans, with most people enjoying takoyaki on its own.


In our quest to discover whether Osaka residents eat takoyaki with rice, we directly asked Kansai locals for their insights. The general consensus is that takoyaki is perceived as a snack or a light meal rather than a side dish. It’s typically enjoyed from street vendors, at festivals, or made at friends’ houses. Eating takoyaki as a side dish with rice is a rare occurrence, with most Osakans savoring takoyaki on its own.

We hope this glimpse into the eating habits and perceptions of takoyaki among Osakans has piqued your interest. When you visit Osaka, be sure to indulge in this authentic soul food for yourself!

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