Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment Explained by an Eye Doctor


Eye strain is a common eye condition that affects many people in modern society, but not everyone is well-informed about its causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment methods. While prolonged use of smartphones and computers is often blamed, does blue light really have a negative impact on our eyes? In this article, an eye care specialist provides clear explanations to various questions related to eye strain.


What is Eye Strain?

Eye strain refers to a condition where symptoms such as eye fatigue, discomfort, and pain persist. It occurs when the eye muscles and nerves become overly strained. In modern society, prolonged use of smartphones and computers, lack of sleep, and stress are often the main culprits.

Common Symptoms of Eye Strain

Symptoms of eye strain vary from person to person but may include:

1. Tired or heavy eyes
2. Dry or blurry eyes
3. Headaches or stiff shoulders
4. Twitching or spasms of the eyelids
5. Sensitivity to light

If these symptoms persist for an extended period, there is a high likelihood of eye strain.

Causes of Eye Strain

The main causes of eye strain are as follows:

1. Prolonged use of smartphones and computers
2. Overuse of the eyes or unnatural posture
3. Eye conditions such as dry eye or refractive errors
4. Disruption of lifestyle habits such as stress or lack of sleep

In particular, extended use of smartphones and computers is a significant cause in modern society.

The Relationship Between Blue Light and Eye Strain

Blue light emitted from smartphones and computers is thought to be a potential cause of eye strain. Blue light may lead to decreased retinal function and disruption of sleep patterns.

However, there is no clear scientific evidence yet that directly links blue light to eye strain. Instead, the main causes are believed to be fatigue of the eye muscles due to prolonged screen time and dry eyes resulting from decreased blinking.

Preventing Eye Strain

To prevent eye strain, consider adopting the following lifestyle habits:

1. Reduce the amount of time spent using smartphones and computers
2. Take breaks to rest your eyes for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes
3. Consciously increase the frequency of blinking
4. Maintain a moderately bright indoor environment
5. Engage in moderate exercise and maintain a regular sleep schedule

Using blue light blocking glasses or filters may also help alleviate eye fatigue.

Treating Eye Strain

Treatment for eye strain varies depending on the cause and symptoms. The main treatment methods include:

1. Using eye drops or artificial tears
2. Treating dry eyes or refractive errors
3. Providing guidance on improving lifestyle habits
4. Performing eye strain exercises or massages

If symptoms are severe, it is essential to consult an ophthalmologist and receive appropriate treatment.


Eye strain is a common eye condition that many people struggle with in modern society, but by understanding its causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment methods, it can be effectively managed.

While caution is necessary regarding prolonged use of smartphones and computers, blue light is not considered a direct cause. Instead, fatigue of the eye muscles and dry eyes are thought to be the main culprits.

By improving lifestyle habits and seeking appropriate treatment, eye strain can be alleviated, allowing for a more comfortable daily life. Prioritize the health of your eyes and do not hesitate to take breaks when feeling fatigued.

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