Do Osaka Residents Eat Okonomiyaki with Rice? Insights from Kansai Locals


Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake dish, is a beloved soul food in Osaka. But do Osakans actually eat okonomiyaki as a side dish with rice? To unravel this mystery, we asked a few Kansai residents to share their perspectives on this culinary conundrum.


Is Okonomiyaki a Side Dish or a Main Course?

We first spoke with Sekiguchi-san, an Osaka native, to understand whether okonomiyaki is perceived as a side dish.


Okonomiyaki is definitely a main dish. It’s quite substantial in volume and packed with various ingredients, making it satisfying enough to be a meal on its own

According to Sekiguchi-san, okonomiyaki is seen more as a main course rather than a side dish in Osaka.

Typical Situations for Eating Okonomiyaki

Next, we asked Okado-san, another Osaka local, about the typical situations in which people eat okonomiyaki.


Visiting an okonomiyaki specialty restaurant with family or friends is a common way to enjoy the dish. It’s fun to choose your favorite ingredients and have them cooked together while chatting with everyone. Oh, and when I was living with my parents, we’d regularly make okonomiyaki at home too.

It seems that eating okonomiyaki at specialty restaurants with loved ones or making it at home are popular options among Osakans.

Do Any Osaka Residents Eat Okonomiyaki with Rice?

But are there any Osakans who actually eat okonomiyaki as a side dish with rice? We asked Kimura-san and Sato-san for their thoughts.


Hmm, eating okonomiyaki as a side dish with rice feels a bit unusual. But I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. It comes down to personal preference, I guess,


I think people who eat okonomiyaki with rice are in the minority. But there might be some who enjoy it that way. Taste preferences vary from person to person. It’s not for me, though,

Based on their opinions, while eating okonomiyaki with rice is not the norm among Osakans, it’s not entirely unheard of either. Some individuals might prefer this style of eating based on their personal tastes.


In our quest to discover whether Osaka residents eat okonomiyaki with rice, we directly asked Kansai locals for their insights. The general consensus is that okonomiyaki is perceived as a main dish, typically enjoyed at specialty restaurants with family and friends or made at home. While eating okonomiyaki as a side dish with rice is a minority practice, it’s not entirely unheard of, as individual preferences may vary.

We hope this glimpse into the eating habits and perceptions of okonomiyaki among Osakans has piqued your interest. When you visit Osaka, be sure to savor this authentic soul food for yourself!
