Do Lobsters Really Have Eternal Life? Unraveling the Longevity of Lobsters


The Misconception About Lobster Lifespan

You may have heard the claim that lobsters have no lifespan limit, essentially living forever. However, this is a misconception. Like all living creatures, lobsters do have a lifespan, albeit a remarkably long one. Some individuals are believed to live for over 100 years.

The Secret Behind Lobsters’ Longevity

Lobsters’ long lifespan can be attributed to their unique aging process. As they grow, lobsters continuously molt, shedding their exoskeleton and replacing it with a new one. During this process, they also rid their bodies of waste products, effectively slowing down the aging process. Additionally, lobsters’ telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, do not shorten as easily with age compared to other organisms.

Factors That Determine a Lobster’s Lifespan

While lobsters have an impressive lifespan, it is not infinite. Several factors can impact a lobster’s longevity:

  1. Environmental stressors: Changes in water temperature, water quality, or food scarcity can reduce a lobster’s lifespan.
  2. Predation: Lobsters are prey to various predators, such as sharks and cod. The higher the risk of predation, the shorter the lifespan.
  3. Disease: Like other creatures, lobsters can be susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, which may shorten their lifespan.

The Oldest Recorded Lobster

The oldest known lobster on record was a specimen named “George,” an American lobster estimated to be over 140 years old. George lived in an aquarium and died in 2009. However, determining the exact age of a lobster is challenging, and estimates are often used.


While the notion of lobsters having no lifespan is inaccurate, it is true that they are among the longest-living creatures on Earth. The secret to their longevity lies in their unique aging process. However, factors such as environmental stressors, predation, and disease can still impact a lobster’s lifespan. Although the mysteries surrounding lobster longevity have not been fully unraveled, scientists continue to study these fascinating creatures.

The topic of lobster lifespan can also prompt us to consider the mechanisms of aging and longevity in general. Perhaps there are lessons we can learn from lobsters that could be applied to our own understanding of the aging process.

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